Playground equipment-7 Elements of Play: Swinging

Playground equipment -7 Elements of Play: Swinging How can different elements of play help children be more successful in the classroom? Jami Murdock- In the area of early childhood development or preschool where I am a teacher, we focus on preparing the kids for their upcoming experience at school. Since children in preschool learn through play, playground activities are extremely important in our day. Playground activities not only help a child develop physically, but also help in the areas of cognitive, adaptive, social and emotional development as well. Different elements of play are great for early childhood development, and early development is what shapes a child’s future. So, let’s look a little deeper at one of the seven elements of play on the playground – swinging – and how it very directly affects a child’s growth. How does swinging help kids in the classroom? Swinging can have a large impact on our brains ability to process sensory information. Swinging is a ...