The design of the children outdoor playground Equipment Park for the New Situation-Status and Problems

Step in to 21 century , Chinese residents' quality and life has been significantly improved. A variety of new municipal facilities come out. But most of the outdoor playground equipment park is considered and design for adults. Therefore, purely consider and design for children are more outstanding.

1. Status and problems
Children are the vulnerable groups of society, they need us to guide, help, care, this is the consensus of all people. But the overall level of children activity environment in our country is very low, basically still stuck in the sand + playground equipment model, it forced children to accept the same game in the now children area.
Generally speaking, the designer ignores children behavior and psychological needs, the public concern and the design level not match.

2. Historical and social reason.
In most people’s opinions that play is nothing, that is not optimistic. The original test-oriented education to the broad masses of their children and hobbies in the direction of learning achievement, and it can cultivate the ability and creativity but not the wild nature, this concept is deeply in the related leadership mind for design. So they will not pay more attention to this kind of side. They will just put some no creative children playground equipment to the area.
In summary, it makes the special area not get the attention.
Now the real children playground equipment park is very few. Many are found in the form of science and education center. And they often with multi-park coexist. But along with the connection of our country economy, gradual integration to international life, children playground equipment Park will become a new park. The experience and project of abroad let us know that a good children playground equipment park can train and exercise all the aspects of children.



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