It is necessary to assess and monitor outdoor playground equipment

With the increasing of people's living standards, large playground equipment of the theme park has appeared in people's entertainment life gradually. But because the development time of domestic outdoor playground equipment industry is too short and the technology is limited, whatever equipment's manufacturing, installation, testing and maintenance not had a unified, fixed standard, and also do not have a mature safety evaluation system. This brings about many issues, domestic large playground equipment million failure rates are high in the world, when the accident took place, it caused state property losses. What more serious, it may also threaten people's life. So it is particularly important to establish a set of effective large playground equipment safety evaluation system in today's society. Here, Nanjing Wande Play analyzes the history and current situation of domestic and foreign large-scale playground equipment history and put forwarded the safety assessment within my own views.

Summarized the playground equipment industry's history and status at home and aboard, and analyzed the important significance and necessity of establishing a safety evaluation system of large-scale playground equipment in our country.Expounded the importance of significance of safety assessment methods to ensure the safe running of the equipment, introduced the classification and selection method.
In order to determine the main power system's situation of large playground equipment safety assessment system.Wandeplay puts forward to diagnosis fault to large playground equipment dynamic system.Collected the field data in Zhengzhou century park, verified the failure analysis method which the article puts forward.



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