Enjoyment Nature - The Design of Children Outdoor Playground Park

Outdoor playground equipment is common in kindergartens, schools, public places and other recreational areas. Children can enjoy the joy of childhood while exercising the body which play a dual positive role. Sunshine, health, educational, recreational space is more popular in children and parents. Teaching goes together with pleasure in the game, so that children grow up happily in the health.

Maintain a positive physical game
Jump, run, circle, crawl, climb or slide some physical games need a spacious space, and with the appropriate security equipment to prevent falls or bumps. The more recommended is to increase the modular playground facilities, structures and terrain diversification, the maximum possible increase in interactive and dynamic game.

Team game
Running, hide and seeking and role playing are all group activity. Imagination can be brought into full play in these activities, and simple playground equipment can inspire children imagination. However, various constructive facilities will also increase the child's subjective initiative.

Full of imagination and creative game
Sand, grass, water, gravel and clay, these materials can fully develop children imagination and creativity, because they can freely change the shape of these materials. Immutable things can not get children attention and keep them quiet.

Trial and sensory games
The senses are everywhere in human activity, and children are the pioneers who truly embody these senses. So the ability to stimulate and integrate into these sensory facilities for children is very helpful to fully mobilize their sense of touch, hearing, vision, and even smelling.

Quiet and harmonious play
When we encourage children to participate in the physical game, it also need provide them with reset and relaxation opportunities. A quiet space,  children can stay away from the noisy, focus on play. At the same time, parents can also have a quiet place. We can design sandbox, table and benches to ensure that the space is quiet and cool.



The meaning of Outdoor fitness equipment

the placement of playground equipment need to pay attention

Playground equipment is the children best first teacher