Some knowledge of outdoor fitness equipment

People have different views on the topic of outdoor fitness equipment norms and warning signs. Outdoor path, outdoor fitness equipment manufacturers has their own understanding about the outdoor fitness equipment specifications and early warning signs.


Through checking, we found that many accidents do not occur because of the quality of the equipment itself, but caused by improper equipment installation and ground handling. Part of the product due to unreasonable proportions of sand and gravel, buried depth of less than the requirements or pit dug into the big and small dimension just like the radish pit, resulting in the user of the equipment in the dumping and bumping or crashing the event.
What's more, some fitness equipment directly installed in the cement, sidewalk and the like on the hard ground, very unsafe. It includes the basic requirement, shape and structural design requirement, the main components static load capacity requirement, machine stability requirement, elastic performance requirement, safety warning requirement, equipment and site requirement, safe life and fatigue performance requirement, environmental requirement and appearance quality requirement etc. a total of 10 areas. In addition, the norms of various types of outdoor fitness equipment safety requirements are very detailed. 10 test methods and product specifications and instructions are also mandatory.
With a certain degree of difficulty and risk of movement, the first category is a bar with the performance of the horizontal bar and parallel bars. As the operator moves higher from the ground. And for a long time repeated use caused by the elastic deformation, easy to make the bar fatigue crack and fracture, reference athletic horizontal bar safe life on the basis is 1 year, the provisions of the safe life is two years.



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