New standard for outdoor fitness equipment brings new changes

Does outdoor fitness equipment have warranty? Compared with broken fitness equipment, another issue cannot also be ignored, that is overdue service which most people never think of it before.

In the survey, a number of people who are using outdoor fitness equipment told us they really do not know outdoor fitness equipment also have warranty time, and even a community staff also thought that this equipment is used until they broken, they did not think there is a warranty time.
Improper maintenance will result danger. In fact, outdoor fitness equipment is not only having shelf-life but also not too long shelf-life even through these iron guys look very stable. Outdoor fitness equipment exposed to the wind and rain in the outdoor environment perennial so it requires not only a good anti-loosening waterproof function but also anti-theft function of the equipment. Meanwhile, it requires relatively high on the surface quality which can not paint off or rust and so on. It is said that these outdoor fitness equipment will be damaged after two or three years using period generally. In accordance with national standards, outdoor fitness equipment will be rejected after 8 years using period at most.
Compared with the old standard in 2004, the new outdoor fitness equipment safety standard published in 2011 version considers more about the users. New standard requires strictly for outdoor fitness equipment reliability, environmental protection and the surrounding environment as well as other aspects for the various groups, especially children use safety issue in unforeseen circumstances.
To protect the public safety and interests, the new outdoor fitness equipment standard has made a number of rules to increase the maximum amount of harmful substances requirements, especially lead and cadmium which may cause poisoning. These substances require limit of the value. At the same time, it requires the finger clip range and requires limits device in the moving parts, damping device in rotating parts. And new standard requires the main post thickness from 2.5mm to 2.75mm at least. Meanwhile, the using time of outdoor fitness equipment in new standard is  increasing 8 years.



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