Non-power playground equipment classification and safety instructions

Non-power playground equipment can be divided into challenging, interactive and experiential according into experience style.

Challenge type: This kind of playground equipment is the seat belt equipment, carries on the obstacle across the altitude, the climb, the downhill series and so on, which the stimulation is strong.
Interactive: This type of playground equipment is interested, high interaction between people, large venues, no need to wear safety devices.
Experience: This type of playground equipment is a small facility, most of then is building for children.

Safety instructions:
1. The operator should fully understand the playing way of playground equipment.
2. The operator should be placed in the equipment at the conspicuous safety signs to remind children read safety precautions.
3. Taking into consideration of safety, the operation should maintain children playground equipment temporarily in the rain, snow and other bad weather.
4. The operator should be the allocation of specialized staff.
5. The operator needs to regularly check the equipment and maintenance. If there is any problem, you should notify manufactures to solve it in time.
6. Making a strict requirement about tourist dress and carried items.

Non-power playground equipment safety risk is very low, as long as we can consciously abide by the safe rules and regulations, many accidents are completely preventable. Making analysis of the accident is to establish and improve the corresponding safety regulations, standards, which is also the fundamental experience for tourists.



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