The style and feature of park bench

Playground equipment news: The style and feature of park bench

Park bench is also called park leisure bench, which style can be broadly divided into three categories from the structure: 1 there is backrest with armrests; 2 there is no backrest armrest; 3 no backrest without armrest. Among them, the third one no backrest without armrest also known as the park chair. Here, Wande Play will introduce three different structures of the park bench.

Park bench with backrest and armrest

This kind of park bench allows people reset, and they can lean on the backrest and the side of the armrest. When people reply on the backrest, the user will feel more comfortable. However, this kind of park bench has a restriction on the sitting direction of the user, and can only be seated in the direction in which the chair is mounted. Moreover, when people need to lie down, the armrest will have an impact on people.

Park bench with backrest but no armrest

This kind of park bench is more easily lying, because there is no armrest restriction. People can lie on the chair to rest freely, while the backrest gives people support and protection. However, it was not comfortable as the first kind of chair.

Park bench without backrest and armrest

Because of lacking backrest and armrest restrictions, this kind of park bench use way is more open. It’s not restricted whether lying or sitting. Therefore, this kind of leisure chair is more suitable for placement in the middle of the pedestrian street and some flexible sitting scene. However, the shortcomings are obvious, the comfort of the park chair is greatly reduced.
The above explain three types of park bench and its characteristics. When purchasing it, you can take consideration of the characteristics of the scene and the use of flexible demand with the procurement.





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