Basic requirements of outdoor fitness equipment installation height

The installation height of outdoor fitness equipment is very important, and it's not convenient for everyone to do the exercise if it's too high or too low. Therefore, installation height of outdoor fitness equipment has a specific requirement. Here, Wande Play will introduce it in detail.

The height of outdoor fitness equipment is between 1000mm and 2000mm above the ground, the height under the ground should be not less than 400mm, the height of bottom column below outdoor fitness equipment should be not less than 100mm thickness of the concrete support layer. When the ground height less than 1000mm, the height under the ground should be not less than 300mm. When the height of outdoor fitness equipment is over 2000mm above the ground, the height under the ground should be not less than 500mm.
Horizontal bars, parallel bars, ladders, swings and other outdoor fitness equipment, and the ground should be soft or flexible cushion ground. For example, if it's rubber floor, floor thickness should be not less than 25mm; if it's sand layer, the sand thickness should be not less than 200mm, and the surrounding bunker should have a suitable height of the bulge envelope, there should set a radius of not less than 10mm of the fillet around sharp corners.



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