How to Use the Outdoor Fitness Equipment Ⅴ

When the people do exercises with the outdoor fitness equipment, they should pay more attention to know how to use the outdoor fitness equipment correctly. The below are the instructions for teaching people how to use the outdoor fitness equipment in correct ways.

1)Vertical Ladder (WD-159J-T)

(a) Use hands and feet to climb;
(b) Lean the back against equipment, raise hands and hold a rung, use abdomen muscle to lift up both legs to horizontal position;
(c) Face equipment and grasp a rung, stand on one foot and sway another foot;
(d) Stand on one foot and stretch another leg onto a rung, lean forward.
Functions: Enhance muscle strength of upper&lower limbs and abdomen, strengthen body coordination ability. Can be used as warm up equipment.
Attention: Grasp rungs firmly when climbing. Do not jump down.  Children should be supervised by adults.
Warning: Users should exercise according to their fitness level. Stop using equipment if you feel any discomfort. For medically unfit person, please seek doctor’s advice before using the outdoor fitness equipment.

2)Pull up Bars (WD-159K-T)

Instructions: Try to grasp the horizontal bar and lift up or sway the body.
Functions: Enhance the muscle strength of upper limb, chest and the back.
Attention: Grasp firmly. Be careful when getting off the equipment.
Warning: Users should exercise according to their fitness level. Stop using equipment if you feel any discomfort. For medically unfit person, please seek doctor’s advice before using the outdoor fitness equipment.

3)Leg Lift (WD-157A-T)

Instructions: Lean the back against the rails, put arms onto handrails and hold the handrails, try to lift up both legs together to the horizontal level, then put down the legs.
Functions: Enhance the muscle strength of abdomen and legs.
Attention: Hold handrails firmly and avoid sliding down.
Warning: Users should exercise according to their fitness level. Stop using equipment if you feel any discomfort. For medically unfit person, please seek doctor’s advice before using the outdoor fitness equipment. 



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