Some notes before children operating playground equipment

Play is the nature of children, so children playground has become the most common place to go in weekend and holidays. So, when children go to the playground, in addition to not choosing too exciting playground equipment, what should also be noticed?

First: wearing loose or casual clothes
Before going to the playground, it is recommended to let the children wear loose and casual clothes. In case of accidents, it can be more convenient to respond. If the clothes are too tight, it will limit physical activity.

Second: Keeping kid closer to prevent lose
The equipment in the playground is dazzled, and is very fresh and interesting to the children. They can not help touching and trying. If the parents neglect the duty, the children can easily leave their sight and lead to accidental loss.

Third: To avoid playing after meal half an hour
After dinner, recreational activities, especially the fierce competition, are easy to let the child vomit and suffer stomach discomfort.

Fourth: To avoid playing during peak time

In the peak time, bacteria, infectious diseases are easier to spread. If children play in such an environment, they are more vulnerable to pathogens and lead to illness. It is proposed to avoid the rush hour.



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