
目前显示的是 八月, 2016的博文

Planning and Prioritizing Renovations for Rec Centers

Playground equipment news: Planning and Prioritizing Renovations for Rec Centers Many communities across the country are emerging from the recession with new energy, new life and new ideas for their future. While budgets are loosening, recreation organizations are still limited when it comes to undertaking new projects. Construction of a new recreation center is still out of reach for many organizations, but long-desired renovations of an existing facility might be feasible — at least some of them. Before beginning any renovations, recreation facility operators should identify and prioritize the key opportunities within a center. The first step in almost any financial endeavor is to assess the local and regional markets. How have the demographics of your community changed? Are young families moving out, while active aging adults are moving in? Have other service providers come into town? Whether it is a private, public or nonprofit entity, each of these organizations most likely of

Playground equipment-More people afraid of outdoors, disconnect with nature blamed

Playground equipment -More people afraid of outdoors, disconnect with nature blamed Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer didn't need shoes, let alone a guide, to get outdoors. That's not how things are today. Once upon a time, children grew up playing outside: fishing the local creek, riding their bikes or building forts in the woods. But “that's not the norm anymore,” said Ivan Levin, senior director of programs at the Outdoor Foundation. “People just don't open the door and go outside like they used to.” That's because, now more than ever, they're afraid of what's out there. Experts around the country and here say it's fear as much as anything that's keeping children and their parents from connecting with the outdoors. “You've kind of got a whole generation now that's isolated. They didn't grow up playing outside,” said Pat Adams, an environmental education specialist at Raccoon Creek State Park in Beaver County. “So it makes sense those

Playground equipment-Parks Are Problem-Solvers

Playground equipment -Parks Are Problem-Solvers Ask Fort Worth Mayor Betsey Price about parks, and she’ll tell it to you straight: “Great cities all have strong parks. If you look at some of our European model cities, it you look at some of our Asian cities, they all have strong parks,” she says. “In the end, for cities to be very vibrant and very strong, citizens have to be engaged. They have to know each other. They have to know a little bit about their city. They have to know their elected officials. There’s no better place to do that than get people out in a green space, on a trail, along the river, wherever it might be.” Last December, Price teamed up with Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock and the City Parks Alliance to raise awareness about the necessity of strong urban park systems. “As we compete to keep our cities and our country competitive in the rapidly changing global economy, we must make our cities more livable to support diverse populations and highly skilled workfor

Can You Walk to Your Park?

Fitness equipment news: Can You Walk to Your Park? The month of May represents many things for park and recreation agencies across the country. School is winding down and summer vacation is about to begin, cheers from the baseball and softball fields ring through neighborhoods and new gardens are planted with hopes of yielding a summer full of fresh fruits and vegetables! Local parks become the centerpieces in hundreds of communities throughout the spring; they serve as gathering places for friends and families to BBQ or play a game of volleyball, they offer a place to cool off with a dip in the pool, some even hold summer concerts and outdoor movies. Parks have the ability to bring together communities to experience a plethora of health and wellness activities! With so many amazing programs taking place at parks, it’s important to consider one important factor in particular — how are your community members getting to your parks?! NRPA recently published a Safe Routes to Parks

Playground equipment-Increasing Value

Playground equipment -Increasing Value We all know the benefits of getting outside: social, spiritual, physical, psychological … but did you know parks help raise property values in addition to spirits? Parks unite communities and encourage residents to engage withnature. Rest and recreation resonates so strongly with people that they are willing to pay extra for proximity to a setting that allows them to unwind. The National Association of Realtors1 survey found that 50 percent of home buyers were prepared to pay 10 percent more for the same house if located near a park.  A study2 conducted in Boulder Colorado found that houses decreased in price on average of $4.20 for every foot the house was from the nearest park. But it’s not only homeowners who value parks … property values are now higher near parks and with increased interest in park investment, businesses are willing to spend top dollar developing properties with even greater profits. For example, in Pittsburgh over

Fitness equipment-A health and wellness focus has increased usage of this park in Marion County, Florida

Fitness equipment -A health and wellness focus has increased usage of this park in Marion County, Florida In the city of Ocala, located in Marion County, FL, a new initiative around health, fitness, and wellness is proving beneficial to local residents. A new outdoor fitness park, the Health Happens Outdoor Fitness and Walking Trail, located at the Marion County McPherson Complex, is providing the community with an outlet to get fresh air and exercise in the park any time of day. The initiative began when Sheri Wiley, Risk Benefit Manager for Marion County, set about forming a Wellness Committee to look at ways they might mitigate health costs and promote overall healthy activity for city employees. With the main hub of Marion County government, including the Division of Motor Vehicles, Facilities Management offices, Fire Services, Florida Highway Patrol, Parks and Recreation, Human Resources, and government officials located next to the Marion County McPherson Complex, the loc

Americans With Disabilities Act turns 25

Playground equipment news: Americans With Disabilities Act turns 25 Inclusion is an important topic for Playworld. The company strives to design and manufacture playground equipment that benefits and can be fully utilized by individuals of all ages and abilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2015, requires that all playgrounds meet a certain set of guidelines. However, playgrounds that are truly inclusive go beyond meeting these established regulations. Did you know the playground component of the ADA only became law in 2012? In the three years since the law was enacted many communities have updated their playgrounds. But there are still thousands of playgrounds that do not meet these minimum requirements. Thankfully, the playground equipment industry as a whole is becoming more inclusive. This helps ensure children across the country are able to get increased access to equipment that meets their needs. As an inclusive pl

Playground equipment-How to Use the Economic Impact of Local Parks to Your Advantage

Playground equipment -How to Use the Economic Impact of Local Parks to Your Advantage As a park and recreation professional, you already know that public parks are important contributors to the standard of living in our neighborhoods, with benefits spanning from environmental gains and improved health to being a central meeting place that brings residents across ages and social strata to connect to nature. But in a time of scarce resources and tight fiscal budgets, you have to fight for funding to continue your mission. With the release of NRPA’s Economic Impact of Local Parks report, you now have resources that show policymakers, stakeholders and community members that public parks are also economic engines to their communities. Specifically, local and regional parks created nearly $140 billion in economic activity and were responsible for nearly 1 million jobs during 2013. These are great stats that should be shouted from the rooftop, but how do you make it applicable for y

Playground equipment-Getting Into A Spin With Playground Roundabouts

Playground equipment -Getting Into A Spin With Playground Roundabouts What is it about spinning on playground roundabouts that children enjoy so much? According to Gill Connell, author of, ‘Moving To Learn,’ it is that, ‘Spinning on his own is a child’s natural way to ’test‘ his sense of balance’. Small children instinctively roll, spin, rock and hang upside down because their brains crave vestibular stimulation in order to establish a sense of balance. Toddlers in particular like to spin around until they feel dizzy and often fall down in the process. Most fairground rides involve spinning in different directions giving passengers a thrill. The Thrill Of Playground Roundabouts Playground roundabouts have always been popular with older children because they combine the thrill of spinning with the teamwork necessary to rotate the roundabout as fast as it can go. In the past playground roundabouts had an added danger factor as children risked the skin on their knees to achieve

Playground equipment-How an embankment tube slide optimises the space in your playground

Playground equipment -How an embankment tube slide optimises the space in your playground As the population of towns and cities increases and more land is used to accommodate housing, it is important that children’s play provision is not neglected.  We are already seeing an increase in childhood obesity which is reinforced by unhealthy diets, sedentary lifestyles and not being able to have the freedom to wander like generations before them. Restricted playground space Playground committees and community groups have to plan their playgrounds within the area they have available.  While some playgrounds are large flat spaces others can be small and enclosed by embankments.  Playground equipment such as an Embankment Tube Slide will allow you to incorporate the landscape into your playground design.  As long as your embankments are at the required angle and there is the required space at the bottom of the tube slide for children to land safely, you will be able to increase the overall

Playground equipment-The Evolution Of Playground Climbing Frames

Playground equipment -The Evolution Of Playground Climbing Frames The instinct to climb is with us from a very early age. Young children scale the settee so that they can see the room from a different perspective. Playground climbing frames have evolved over time, from simple ladders to beautifully designed structures that fulfil the needs of even the most adventurous climber. As with all aspects of play, climbing has a dual role in our children’s development. Benefits from climbing are not just restricted to being able to reach the biscuit tin, children also improve their balance, coordination, motor skills and increase their fitness levels. The First Playground Climbing Frames As with most inventions of this type, the person credited with inventing playground climbing frames tends to be whoever patents the idea first. Research indicates that the first playground climbing frames originated in Germany during the late nineteenth century. However Chicago Lawyer, Sebastian Hinton

Playground equipment-The wonderful playgrounds in Oz

Playground equipment -The wonderful playgrounds in Oz Our distribution partner in Australia, has recently installed Playdale play equipment at some fabulous parks and playgrounds in Queensland. Guyatt Park in St Lucia is located in beautiful surroundings next to the Brisbane River. A popular place for families to visit and people to walk and picnic in, the playground there is one of the many attractions. It mainly catered for toddlers and younger children so the park’s requirement was for some new dynamic, modern junior play items. A superb older children’s play area was designed, incorporating our contemporary and hugely popular Air Rider where strength, balance, coordination and agility are all tested and challenged. Children will love air surfing on this exciting Mover. A City Spinner, also from our Movers range was also included in the design. Children love the fast-paced spinning action of this product, as they try to go as fast as they can. Another highly durable stai

Playground equipment-blending in with the environment

Playground equipment -blending in with the environment Nature is important to the development of children in every major way; intellectually, emotionally, socially, spiritually and physically (Kellert, 2005). ‘A happy child is a muddy child’, may be a phrase coined by educationalists who value the benefits of natural play, but is not always appreciated by parents who have to think about the washing. Children can enjoy playing in a muddy puddle for hours but will get bored going around an amusement park after five minutes. Nature fascinates and compels children to use their imagination and provides many play opportunities. It is not always easy for children to play in fields and wasteland so playground designers have incorporated natural play equipment into their designs. Playing in a natural world Natural play equipment can change the landscape of a playground so that children have the opportunity to enjoy playing in the natural world. Play England have produced an extremely

Playground equipment-Take Your Department to the Next Level with Park Protector Software and Mobile Inspection App

Playground equipment -Take Your Department to the Next Level with Park Protector Software and Mobile Inspection App Playground Guardian’s exclusive “Cloud” based inspection software, Park Protector, is benefitting park and recreation departments all over the United States. From Riverbanks, CA to Doylestown, PA and Austin, TX – Park Protector is moving park and playground equipment inspection processes forward. Park Protector inspection software isn’t just for inspecting playground equipment. Recently, Playground Guardian released an InspectALL add on module allowing users to inspect anything in their parks systems, including skate parks, trails, shelters, restrooms, ball fields, recreation centers, etc. In a matter of minutes, Playground Guardian can upload a department’s existing inspection forms into Park Protector’s software to be used for field inspections on a handheld tablet. Last year, Austin Parks and Recreation Department began using Park Protector software to inspec

Playground equipment-Unity Canopy Puts a Twist on the Traditional

Playground equipment -Unity Canopy Puts a Twist on the Traditional Taking classic playground structures and re-imagining them to be more relevant for how kids play today was a thought-provoking and motivating task that resulted in our new product, Unity™ Canopy. The small and large canopies are part of the Unity collection, which also includes the Dome, Slide Climber, Steppers, Teeter Tunnel™ and Rushmore™. When designing the equipment, we first looked at how kids play today. Then we asked ourselves: what play experiences would be most relevant to them?  For one thing, kids like being together with other kids. They are alone on many games so being together and facing a new challenge with friends is what their play space needs to be about. Creating playground equipment with multiple levels of difficulty is essential. Kids today want to play in different ways and share their experiences. Think about the popularity of social media—when kids accomplish something or exceed a goal, t

Playground equipment-Inside Design: Unity Teeter Tunnel

Playground equipment -Inside Design: Unity Teeter Tunnel Not long ago, I introduced you to our new Unity Canopy, part of the Unity Collection–re-imagined classic playground pieces designed to be more relevant for how kids play today. Another piece in the Collection is the Unity Teeter Tunnel. As parents and designers, we knew that kids still loved the old, playground tradition of the teeter totter, but they quickly tired of its repetitive nature: mount, move up and down, then dismount. Although several teeter totters can be grouped together or designed to accommodate more than two children (as in the case of our Quattro Seesaw), the potential of the new Teeter Tunnel was far greater than we had previously realized. During our play test, it hit us … since kids love being together; the cooperative nature of the teeter totter could be magnified and the design enhanced to be more robust, allowing a gaggle of kids to get on board, cooperating to make it move and work, encouraging s

Playground equipment-bringing the rock face to your playground

Playground equipment -bringing the rock face to your playground Climbing is one of those exhilarating activities that not only has physical benefits but gives a huge sense of achievement when you reach the top. Climbing not only hones spatial awareness, fine motor skills, balance and gross motor skills it also develops concentration, encourages goal setting and brings major satisfaction.  Children instinctively like to climb because they want to be able to see the world around them more easily.  Playground climbing walls and climbing frames allow children to develop climbing skills safely and with little adult supervision. Climbing walls Climbing walls were initially used by climbers who wanted to practise their skills in the evenings after work.  These days climbing walls are used by anyone who is interested in challenging themselves and have become a popular recreational activity. Large, free standing climbing walls even make an appearance at rural events allowing people to

Combat Obesity With Outdoor Fitness Equipment

Combat Obesity With Outdoor Fitness Equipment Councils are increasingly aware of the need to encourage people in their areas to exercise. Some are installing outdoor fitness equipment to help combat obesity. Often fitness membership costs and lack of motivation prevents individuals from getting regular exercise. The Cost Of Obesity Outdoor fitness equipment won’t only allow you to wear summer clothes confidently it helps to combat the effects of obesity. Obesity is an increasing problem in the Western world; our sedentary lifestyles and calorific foods are making us put on weight. The Telegraph reported that,‘Obesity is a greater burden on the UK’s economy than armed violence, war and terrorism, costing the country nearly £47 billion a year.’ The study by consultancy firm,‘McKinsey and Company’, anticipated that half of the world’s population will be obese by 2030. Effects Of Obesity On The Body Obesity doesn’t only make clothes fit badly it also has a terrible impact on ov

Playground equipment-Why Toddlers Love Playground Springers

Playground equipment -Why Toddlers Love Playground Springers Once toddlers have overcome the initial fear of actually sitting on playground springers and start rocking, their brains and bodies will go through amazing developmental processes.  Instantly they will be riding a horse, a dragon, a car or an elephant and their imagination will run wild.  As they get older and stronger they will rock faster and faster.  Every time a toddler rides on playground springers they are improving their muscle strength and spatial awareness. Building Muscle Strength The wobbly nature of playground springers means that a child has to rely on their own muscle strength to stay on.  Children have to be able to grip the handles sufficiently to be able to rock and hold on tight.  The rest of their bodies are used to balance and create the force necessary to pull the springer into action. Pulling the handles to create the rocking action strengthens the core muscles in the body. Developing Fine Mot

Playground equipment-Everyone can enjoy the magic with inclusive playground design

Playground equipment -Everyone can enjoy the magic with inclusive playground design Inclusive playground designs for children of all ages and abilities is vital for; physical, social, emotional and imaginative development.  The Centre for Universal Design at North Carolina State University have identified seven main principles of inclusive playground design; be fair, be smart, be independent, be safe, be active and be comfortable. Popular playgrounds Every playground has different combinations of equipment and themes making them unique to the area in which they are located.  Playgrounds that successfully manage to seamlessly incorporate the seven principles of inclusive playground design prove to be very popular with parents. Playgrounds that allow children of all abilities to enjoy the sensation of swinging, sliding, climbing and most importantly interacting with others, are worth their weight in gold and will be visited by many families as word gets around. Team swing

Playground equipment-An Emerging Social Science

Playground equipment -An Emerging Social Science Few of us think much of pulling up to the playground at the end of the day, swinging open the car doors and letting loose the wild children in the back seat. But what happens on the playground -- the social, emotional and physical development, as well as the old fashioned fun -- is something that has turned into a bit of science for one play advocate. Alex Smith of Halifax, Nova Scotia runs Playgroundology, a website whose name derives from a term which he describes as "an emerging social science." Though we may take our neighborhood playgrounds for granted, the truth is that there is an art and science to creating a unique and creative play space. Smith has dedicated himself to finding playgrounds all over the world that inspire children and adults to play. As he puts it, play is "our lifeline to balance, emotional well-being and physical fitness." In other words it's really, really important. Smith grew u

If Kids Can Play, Will Mom Shop?

Playground equipment news: If Kids Can Play, Will Mom Shop? Katie Poch visits the Cherry Creek Shopping Center in Denver more than once a month, but not for the Neiman Marcus, Juicy Couture and Burberry stores. It's Tweety Bird and Porky Pig that draw her. The Denver woman, a part-time research assistant, brings her daughters, 2 and 4 years old, to the mall to let them romp in its 1,130-square-foot play area filled with Looney Tunes characters. "I come to this mall more than any other mall because I know that if we need a break, there is a spot for the kids," says Ms. Poch, who also does a little shopping while she's there. The once-humble play area is one of shopping malls' new secret weapons. In their bid to keep shoppers from deserting to the Internet, more malls are adding restaurants and services like hair salons and fitness clubs that provide things that the Internet can't. New play areas can create lively public spaces while keeping a key cons

Playground equipment-The Coolest Playgrounds On The Planet

Playground equipment -The Coolest Playgrounds On The Planet Summer is upon us. Which means playgrounds are officially open. The play landscapes of today are a far cry from the rusty old slides and rickety see-saws you may have rollicked on as a kid. The coolest playgrounds in the world are more than giant hunks of plastic and metal; they're also magnificent works of art. BUGA O5 PLAYGROUND: An intricate web of orange-and-white paths weave throughout manicured grass hills in this park designed to look like the bottom-side of a leaf. It was created in 2005 for the annual National Garden Festival in Munich, Germany. BRUMLEBYEN: Three wobbly houses mirror the 19th century architecture of Brumleby, Copenhagen, where this playground is found. Children can climb up the curved walls, slide out of windows and scurry from house-to-house connected by suspended bridges. WOODS OF NET: Children can jump, roll and crawl in this entirely hand-knitted net located at the Hakone Open-Air M