Playground equipment-Take Your Department to the Next Level with Park Protector Software and Mobile Inspection App

Playground equipment-Take Your Department to the Next Level with Park Protector Software and Mobile Inspection App

Playground Guardian’s exclusive “Cloud” based inspection software, Park Protector, is benefitting park and recreation departments all over the United States. From Riverbanks, CA to Doylestown, PA and Austin, TX – Park Protector is moving park and playground equipment inspection processes forward.
Park Protector inspection software isn’t just for inspecting playground equipment. Recently, Playground Guardian released an InspectALL add on module allowing users to inspect anything in their parks systems, including skate parks, trails, shelters, restrooms, ball fields, recreation centers, etc.

In a matter of minutes, Playground Guardian can upload a department’s existing inspection forms into Park Protector’s software to be used for field inspections on a handheld tablet.
Last year, Austin Parks and Recreation Department began using Park Protector software to inspect playgrounds in the field using their handheld tablets. Using the online software, the Department can track issues found during inspections, produce work orders for needed maintenance print reports, prioritize risk management concerns as well as maintain a digital inventory of all park sites and playground equipment.

“Park Protector inspection software has made my job much easier with its mobile inspection application,” said Lance Seveska,CPSI with Austin Parks and Recreation. “This system has helped streamline my process of inspections, repairs and maintaining a digital inventory of all our playground equipment throughout our parks, and makes us more efficient as a department.”
Because of the success Seveska found with the software in his area of playground inspections, other staff within the department began to inquire about their being able to use Park Protector inspection software for their specific areas.

Now the Austin Parks and Recreation Department has since purchased another subscription and began using the Inspect ALL module of Park Protector to inspect their trails.  Eventually they will use Park Protector to inspect restrooms, parking lots, sports fields and sports courts among other amenities found in their parks. According to Gene Faulk in Asset Management, this will provide them the tools to be able to evaluate the department’s assets not only on current issues and upgrades and maintenance needed but long term budgeting plans.
Plymouth Parks and Recreation in Minnesota also subscribed to Park Protector last year. Barb Northway, Deputy Director, and her staff have been actively using the software and feel it has benefitted their department greatly.

“Park Protector inspection software and mobile app makes our inspection process more efficient and saves us a good deal of time in completing inspections. It’s a slick program,” said Northway.
School districts have also benefited greatly using Park Protector’s online software.  One of the Nation’s largest districts, Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools first started using Playground Guardian as a vendor to perform inspections, audits and ADA assessments. Last year, CMS decided to begin using the inspection software to inspect and maintain their own playgrounds.
Parks and playgrounds are long-term investments, and if properly maintained can provide fun and recreational opportunities for families for decades. Research shows that well-maintained parks and playgrounds could lower the risk of costly litigation, increase the life expectancy of play equipment and park amenities, reduce complaints and most importantly keep recreational users safe.



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