Playground equipment-Ideas for Kids' Indoor Play Areas

Playground equipment-Ideas for Kids' Indoor Play Areas

Indoor play areas for kids encourage imaginative play and creativity within the home. Designate a specific room or corner in your home for an indoor play area by purchasing specially-sized children's furniture, shelves and baskets to hold toys and books. Decorate your play area with one theme, or combine several different themes and choices for activities in one room.

Train Room
For the boy or girl who loves trains, create a train-inspired play area. Paint a brick train tunnel around the border of the door or closet in your child's bedroom or playroom. Include trees, a police station and fire station on the wall to simulate a town. If your budget allows, hire an artist or professional contractor to create a miniature train play scape for your child out of stucco to resemble rocks and canyons. Purchase book shelves and baskets to hold small train parts and other items. Place a large train set in the middle of the room. Many train sets come equipped with their own train table and include trees, buildings and people. Consider purchasing or building your own play table for a train set with drawers to keep extra tracks and toys.

Minature Kitchen and Market
A miniature kitchen themed room works well for a boy or a girl. Find square wicker baskets and line the baskets with plaid or checker cloth to simulate a farmers market. Stock these baskets with wooden vegetables and other wooden food toys. You can even make hanging wooden labels to write down what is inside each basket. Place the baskets inside kid's sized book shelves. Buy miniature shopping carts and a wooden kitchen set for your kids. Toy stoves and kitchens come in a variety of sizes for different sized rooms and areas. If your room is large enough, designate one wall for the kitchen and another wall for the market. Stock the kitchen with plates, cups and other essentials. Your kids can pick up groceries at the market and then bring their pretend food to their kitchen for preparation.

Art Studio
An art studio for kids is another indoor play area that works well for both boys and girls. Place a kid's size table and chairs in the center of the room. Put two book shelves on one wall and stock the shelves with wicker baskets. Label each basket according to what's in it. Stock these baskets with crayons, paint and other art supplies that you approve of. If your children are under age five you may need to put up paint and certain supplies they can use when you are directly supervising the kids. Buy child-sized easels for drawing and painting. Some easels come equipped with a chalk board on one side and dry eraser board on the other. Place other books and toys in the room as well. Hang up framed pictures of your children's art to complete the room.



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