Playground equipment-Imagination playground a gift at holiday event

Playground equipment-Imagination playground a gift at holiday event

South Salt Lake unveiled its new Imagination Playground at the Breakfast for Santa community event held Dec. 1. The mobile playground is meant to draw out kids’ creative energy, and there was no time wasted when youth cast their eyes and hands on their new playground.
The city was awarded two sets of the playground by KaBOOM! through a competitive grant funded by Walt Disney Company. The new Imagination Playground sets will be accessible at local community learning centers on a rotating schedule and at free community events put on by the city.

“This is a present for every child in South Salt Lake, the first and only of its kind in Utah,” South Salt Lake City Mayor’s Office spokesperson Ashley Babbitt said. “We’re so excited for the children to open the gift and start playing. Our youth will be able to free their imaginations with this playground. It helps promote the power of play.”
The playgrounds are valued at $10,000 for both sets. The life-size playing blocks foster a fun learning atmosphere, social development and active movement.
During the Breakfast with Santa event, children and some young teenagers excitedly clawed open the large, Christmas-paper wrapped containers when the playgrounds were unveiled.
“It’s cool. It’s kind of like Legos. You can build whatever you want,” Jared Vallejo, 9, said.

There will be no significant cost to the city associated with the mobile playground, as it just requires storage. South Salt Lake Community Center managers that will be working with the playground are undergoing a webinar training that KaBOOM! provides to assist them in maximizing its constructive use with young people.
The playground blocks are made of firm blue foam. South Salt Lake has been given two kits, each of which contain 75 blocks, 15 noodles, 15 play balls and assorted fabric pieces. When combined, both sets are designed for roughly 40 to 50 kids to construct and play with.
South Salt Lake Residents Heidi and Daniel Rogers attended the Breakfast with Santa event with their two young kids, who took a turn playing with the new playground set.

“I think it’s great. My kids love it. They’re having fun. It seems to entertain a wide range of ages,” Heidi Rogers said.
City staff and hundreds of residents attended the Breakfast for Santa event and were in attendance when the new Imagination Playground was unveiled.
“It’s a really interesting, unique way for kids to engage in fitness and healthy lifestyles,” Erikka Fisk, an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer from Seattle who is serving as a South Salt Lake Health Project Coordinator, said.

Imagination Playground kits are designed for use both indoors and out, and are durable with sand and water. They will be stored and used at the Columbus Center, Pioneer Craft House campus, and the PAL Boxing Center when not being rotated through the other six learning centers, including those at Hser Ner Moo, Villa Franche, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Granite Park Junior High and Woodrow Wilson.
The kits will also be able to be used in pre-school and afterschool programming for children ages two and up.



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