
目前显示的是 九月, 2016的博文

Outdoor fitness equipment manufacturers entered the golden period

The development of outdoor fitness equipment has withstood the market test, widely used in parks, squares, residential areas, schools and other places, Outdoor fitness equipment is convenient for everyone to exercise, but we want to remind everyone to use outdoor fitness equipment in a suitable time not too much. Each better exercise time is around 40 minutes, not less than 30 minutes, no more 1 hours, at the same time the amount of exercise and a small amount of water in the process. In addition, elderly or infirm, avoid exercising too fast too fast, there is no need to make a hundred percent effort. In the summer of various fitness like emerge, fitness awareness. Remarkable comprehensive fitness value, investment assets, resettlement area outdoor fitness equipment, so that people can exercise at home. But because residential fitness equipment is used to carry out physical exercise, before they are put into use, the need for a Serial detection, such as static testing, dynamic te

New children's playgournd equipment can improve children's IQ and EQ

   Nowadays, in front of the public,more and more new playground equipment come to show, many parents may not know children playground equipment's role for children's growing up , only single think that recreation and playground equipment are only for the children happy play, actually otherwise, new playground equipment are very helpful to improve the children's IQ and EQ.     Recreation and playground equipment can stimulate children's sensory development, for example, stimulate them to listen, to see and feel the outside world and new things. recreation and playground equipment can also coordinate the children all aspects of physical function, for example, can let them hand and foot coordination through the operation of playground equipment , hand and eye coordination. recreation and playground  equipment can develop children's creativity, for example during the play the stimulation device can allow them to overcome the fear of the heart, develop their i

Maintenance of playground equipment is important

    Now there are many new and interesting playground equipment , continue to enter into market with new style,attracting numerous children's eye, but also attracts the attention of the children's recreation  and playground equipment investors. Since it is so popular, manufacturers or operators need to  keep children playground equipment safe and long lifetime. Therefore, the were regular maintenance and daily maintenance is very important.     First, children's playground equipment design and production are completed in collaboration with designers and engineers, and in design process of the children's playground equipment, the manufacturers determine the product size, structure and material according to the size of the human body / groups of children/action size and weight. Playground equipment must have novel shapes and eye-catching color in the visual appearance, at the same time, it must have the sufficient and safe structure.     Second, children's playgrou

Outdoor fitness equipment is not safe? social sports instructors come to solve

Recently, some citizen  call into newspaper hotline  62988828 and reflects: Due to lack of maintenance,there have one area of fitness equipment has been damaged, not only can not continue to use, there is a security risk. Reporters call the District Sports Bureau to know, this year, the Council will make innovative initiatives, development and use  social sports instructor in community , specialize in the community fitness equipment daily maintenance and guide people scientific fitness.     In recent years, our region attaches great importance to the region's sports infrastructure planning and construction, in the region of all Street Town, community, administrative village and park, square supporting installed route 201 set 1815 pieces, table tennis table 612, indoor activity room 75, basketball 409 deputy, has reached full coverage of all the region's communities and villages.     However, with the increasing demand for people's health, the use of sports facilities rate c

Outdoor fitness equipment safety and durability index significantly improved

    The national standards of outdoor fitness equipment safety has been completed and the revised, and it have been implemented for more than 6 years ,now it is under processing of solicit opinions. Draft a total of 121 section, and the requirements of the original standard only 69 models. Besides content greatly broadened and refined, the revised standard technical indicators have greatly improved.     According to the national sporting goods Standardization Technical Committee introduce the persons concerned, the original standard < fitness equipment, outdoor fitness equipment general safety requirements > implemented in March 2004. The official stressed, outdoor fitness equipment, as installed in public places, community, schools, etc. unattended environment must the function of safety, the use of safety in the first place, the revised considering the of all kinds of people, especially children in predictable and reasonable abuse of safe use. Also consider the user of the equ

Outdoor Fitness Equipment Use Tips

    Arm extension is a common type of outdoor fitness equipment , it is best to try to do pull-ups before you use arm extension to test if you can do a complete pull-up action or not, if you can’t do it, then you must don't try.     According to outdoor fitness equipment manufacturer's technical personnel , the arm extension device similar to a hospital in traction, to stretch the muscles, prevent herniation. But it suggested that those practicing hand is not enough for the elderly is best not to use this fitness equipment outdoor exercise. To test how the power of their hand, can put the can do pull-ups as a standard, if even a pull-ups are unable to complete the old man, it is better to choose to do other than outdoor fitness equipment, such as the high bar stretching.     As a professional outdoor fitness equipment manufacturers today to introduce you to people in daily life, daily attention, outdoor fitness equipment used in People's Daily life, people

Keep children away from the phone

Playground equipment news: Keep children away from the phone Now most of the children are the only child at home, parents are loved them, cell phone or tablet become commonplace, and children play them even better than we, how to keep children away from the phone to play indoor naughty castle? How to let the children away from the phone? Large indoor naughty castle is key. Children don't want to go out have a part of the reason is nothing to attract his attention, so the children would rather play phone at home go out to play, then take him to the more large indoor naughty castle to play, indoor naughty castle projects equipment is more, are designed according to the nature of children, popular children's favorite, at the same time, the inside of the large indoor naughty castle partners, saw their partners are involuntary play together well. Let the children away from the phone, took the kids to play large indoor naughty castle, also can improve the physi

Outdoor fitness is becoming more and more common

Fitness equipment news: Outdoor fitness is becoming more and more common As long as no wind or rain, Mrs Zhang , must be on time every night on the square near the home. After a busy day with friends and dance is her daily compulsory. And Mrs Zhang , like many of the elderly like to jump Square Dance, which is also present in the older age groups, the most common fitness programs. Currently, the masses do not lack enthusiasm for fitness, In the fitness venues consumption.  In recent years, many local focus groups carried out a series of staged events, arranging long activity cycle, continue to strengthen the effects of fitness activities, fitness is an important step toward normalization. The city will organize a number of fitness activities to enrich the lives of the general public. In recent years, it is difficult to find a gym, the topic often found in newspapers, operating venues overcharged campus stadiums rarely open. In rural areas, sports infrastruct

The Importance of Fitness Equipment in Modern Life

Outdoor fitness equipment is set up specifically for residents in outdoor workout fitness equipment for residents with health, leisure and entertainment needs. As people pay attention to their own health deepening, outdoor community fitness facilities increasingly loved by the people. Through exercise can promote blood circulation within the body, improve heart and lung function, exercise more, while consumption of body fat, so the cell fitness equipment has been widely welcomed by the residents. Poorly designed fitness equipment can not achieve the purpose of physical exercise, but also increase the body's fatigue, so the cell fitness equipment design is particularly important. To meet people's health needs During the exercise, and during the operation of different types of fitness equipment, the posture taken different in various parts of the operation of the human body muscle and joint activities to give movement, through the blood vessels and myocardial contractio

Outdoor fitness equipment use and maintenance

Outdoor fitness equipment use and maintenance After our country gradually strong many industries have been successfully opened the foreign market, the positive image of China is getting better and better now, the progress of our country in the world seen above, the development of undertakings of physical culture and sports has also seen, hope that we have to be modest, faced with the problems now, hope to be able to push sports enterprise to another peak. The role of the upper limb traction machines similar to the hospital to take over the traction treatment, to stretch muscle, prevention of intervertebral disc herniation is good, but for the elderly who had better not carried out the movement, should choose and stretching equipment movement. Health to ride machine is suitable for the outdoor fitness equipment, often at his desk and sedentary people use, for some older people with neck muscles and strain of lumbar muscles also have slow action, but for those disc bulge of old pe

Outdoor fitness equipment manufacturer to conquer the international market is of great urgency

In China, the state has increased support for the sports fitness equipment industry. This is not only because of the rapid growth of its development in. Great potential for market development and demand is growing. At the same time, the state for fitness activities vigorously advocate and public display equipment, the frequency of large amplitude ascension gave birth to the outdoor fitness equipment industry's rapid development and momentum Mengjin. This trend prompted countries also increased the the attention and support. Outdoor fitness equipment kick device function is mainly used to exercise the waist and lower limb strength. Taboo: joint disease should not use kick. Some of the elderly usually have knee pain, up and down the stairs feel legs weakness and other symptoms that kick is the exercise can strengthen strong leg strength. There is, however, these symptoms in the elderly is likely to suffer from hip chondromalacia, originally the load function of the hip joi

Children playing outdoor fitness equipment easily injured

On the afternoon of July 15, 2015, 5-year-old Xiao Yi, 6 year old Xiao Xin, 6 year old Xiao Hang and 11 year old Xiao Xiang playing in Manas County, a family member courtyard in front of the building fitness equipment , the mother of four children in the side chat. Children in the competition for the equipment, Xiao Xin accidentally will Xiao Yi right hand finger injured, resulting in phalangeal fractures. Xiao Yi medical consultations with the other three children parents unable to reach an agreement, so the other three children's parents to Sue to the manas county people's court. Recently, the case ended in mediation, four parties reach an agreement, by the Xiao Xiang, parents of Xiao Hang the compensation Xiao Yi loss 1000 yuan, Xiao Xin parents compensation of 2000 yuan. The reporter understands, children's play outdoor fitness equipment in the injured distress event is not the case. Shortly before, in Changning Road, Changji City, a district, a 3-year-old boy carelessl

China toy and Playground equipment expo

Economists predicted, the key period of the modern society comes at a time of the great reform and development, the economic system reform is being deepened constantly, the adjustment of social structure is increasingly perfect. At this moment, seize the opportunity to is to seize the business opportunities. The arrival of the Two-child policy has brought to the playground market is a huge potential market demand, how to better grasp the opportunities? China Toy Expo is coming, may be able to answer to the satisfaction of all businesses. Development of toy exhibition in China has a history of 15 years, 15 years for countless businesses to provide opportunities, numerous business creation myth, the toy fair specially planned launch of playground equipment exhibition, particularly eye-catching. Highlight the advantages of this year China Toy Expo can use two words to summarize: rich in resources, pioneering and enterprising. In modern society, economic nature of war is war resources,

Outdoor children's playground equipment promote children's growth

Now, for many large children's playground equipment , specifically in use or choose playground  equipment stage ,It is good for children  at mental retardation. Therefore, gradually from the point of view, equipment technical advantages, new in these areas we brought trustworthy. At present, such a child playground equipment began to get upgraded, gradually in the park, playground, popular many children to patronize, and even has become a way of most of the children in his spare time or weekend time for recreation, It bring the better effect and quite good. Large children's playground equipment can help develop Childern at Intellectual development, tap the potential, more and more people become concern about it, according to the designers, which for children's growth and development and great effect. New entry into the market in the future, children are concerned. Children's entertainment, may in this stage is an important part of growth. As for small playground

Analysis of the market situation of outdoor fitness equipment

The fitness equipment industry is an important part of the sports industry. Since the ninety's of last century, China's fitness equipment industry obtained the rapid development of fitness equipment. The quality of the products is growing, yield multiply, market growing prosperity, many fitness equipment gradually into the family, the domestic fitness equipment market size continues to expand. The fitness equipment industry is now entering a new period of development, the domestic market demand for more and more products, and greatly improve the fitness equipment product standardization, scale level. Shorten the fitness equipment of new products from the beginning to enter the market development cycle, marketing is also more complex, pay more attention to the marketing idea than in the past, and Matthew brands will begin to appear, and will bring greater benefits. With the national introduction of a series of sports policy, to promote the vigorous development of China

Which playground equipment and amusement is suitable for children?

What recreation equipment suitable for children. Children playing what recreation facilities appropriate? Children playground equipment is mainly according to the structure and form of movement to classification, namely, the structure and motion form similar recreation facilities for children and children's playground equipment designated as a class, rather than according to the division of the names of children's recreational facilities and children's playground equipment. Today with the Chinese and foreign toy editor together to see the main features of each category. According to the varieties of the recreation facilities for children and children's playground equipment, the 15 categories, which horse, roller coasters, gyro, fly tower category, racing, controlled aircraft, Guanlan car, small electric train, aerial tour cars, water rides, bumper cars, battery cars, bungee jumping class, slideway, strop. Children's playground equipment slide portfolio Ki

The use of outdoor fitness equipment to choose a suitable method

Outdoor fitness equipment can make your exercise heart rate at a reasonable target range, you can easily achieve weight loss while avoiding the damage caused by the movement of transition, with the exercise of people's heart and lung function, reducing the benefits of various types of diseases. Outdoor fitness equipment can protect the body and promote healthy, strong physique harvest. In the past often involved in physical exercise. Generally pulse is not more than 110 beats / minute is appropriate, the maximum shall not exceed 120 beats / min. We need people who exercise need to choose the warm-up before their outdoor fitness equipment. 1. pay attention to scientific and rational approach each training session should have a certain order, the first warm-up exercise (preparations), or at low ambient temperature in winter is particularly important, we must take each articulation open. A small amount of sweat a little as well. Then relax and organize official sports movement.

Fitness make people healthy and happy

Fitness equipment news: Fitness make people healthy and happy In 2007 the Ministry of Education, the State Sports General Administration and the Communist Youth League launched the sunshine sports activities, setting off sunlight sports craze in the country, primary and secondary schools, the formation of full participation in the mass of physical exercise good atmosphere. Visible 10 years ago has begun to attach importance to the national mass physical exercise. However, all these years, "health" concept more speculation hotter, and there have been some strange social phenomenon. "Healthy company" everywhere, the elderly for a few free eggs every day, punctuality in the company lectures, bought a result of price "magic mattress." Middle-aged people to exercise, take a twenty thousand to do Zhang fitness cards, you can go for less than 10 times a year; they do not exercise regularly follow the trend reported a marathon. Teenagers still lack of exer

The use of outdoor fitness equipment to choose a suitable method

Outdoor fitness equipment can make your exercise heart rate at a reasonable target range, you can easily achieve weight loss while avoiding the damage caused by the movement of transition, with the exercise of people's heart and lung function, reducing the benefits of various types of diseases. Outdoor fitness equipment can protect the body and promote healthy, strong physique harvest. In the past often involved in physical exercise. Generally pulse is not more than 110 beats / minute is appropriate, the maximum shall not exceed 120 beats / min. We need people who exercise need to choose the warm-up before their outdoor fitness equipment. 1. pay attention to scientific and rational approach each training session should have a certain order, the first warm-up exercise (preparations), or at low ambient temperature in winter is particularly important, we must take each articulation open. A small amount of sweat a little as well. Then relax and organize official sports movement.

Outdoor Fitness Equipment Market Situation

Fitness equipment industry is an important part of the sports industry. Since the 1990s, our fitness equipment industry was fast good development. Fitness equipment product quality continuously promoted, production expanded exponentially, more prosperous market, a lot of fitness equipment gradually into the home fitness equipment the size of the domestic market continues to expand. Fitness equipment industry is now entering a new period of development, the domestic market demand for the product is increasing, and greatly improve the standardization, scale level of fitness equipment products. Shorten new product from fitness equipment to enter the market began to study the development cycle, marketing and more complex, and more emphasis on marketing idea than ever before, and well-known brands of Matthew will begin to be felt, and will bring greater efficiency. As the state issued a series of policies related to physical fitness, promote universal Jian body movement flourished in

Playground equipment: Caring for children

Play Area/Playground Size and Location for outdoor playground or fitness equipment NOTE: The play spaces discussed in the following standards are assumed to be those at the site and thus are the facility’s responsibility. Facilities that do not have on-site play areas but that use playground equipment in adjacent parks or schools may not be able to ensure that children in their facility are playing on equipment or in play space in absolute conformance with the standards presented here. Size and Location of Outdoor playground equipment The facility or home should be equipped with an outdoor playground equipment that directly adjoins the indoor facilities or that can be reached by a route that is free of hazards and is no farther than one-eighth mile from the facility. The playground should comprise a minimum of seventy-five square feet for each child using the playground at any one time. The following exceptions to the space requirements should apply: a. A minimum of thirty-

Quality control for outdoor playground equipment

Quality control for outdoor playground equipment Check Raw material at the point of delivery from supplier. Before it goes into the warehouse (any rejected material to be separated and disposed of or returned to supplier). Cut all material (Inform the Quality control manager when ready) Check cut material (Reject any material that has not been cut to the correct length (any rejected material to be separated and disposed of) (Inform the Production manager when the inspection is finished include the results). Check all welded areas for weld quality. Check for small holes and reject if any are found (Any rejected parts should be separated and sent back to the welding department to be fix) Once the welding department have fixed the problems and the parts have been polished the parts must be rechecked and the process must be repeated until the parts pass Quality control (Inform the Production manager when the inspection is finished include the results). Sand Blast Weld protectio

Outdoor Fitness Equipment Maintenance Manual

Outdoor fitness equipment need regular maintenance after installation. The Repair of the 0utdoor Fitness Equipment Please check the equipment performance as following: 1. Check the Integrity of the equipment. When find components damaged, missing, or welding parts broken, the user should immediately stop using the equipment and ask the supplier to replace the broken parts as soon as possible. 2. Check the surface of the equipment and secure there is no scratch or other damages, also should secure the broken equipment will have no harm to user, when the danger is found, should repair it immediately and consult the supplier for help. 3. Check the screws. When screw loose is found, please stop using the equipment and tighten the screws immediately; Consult the supplier for help if necessary. 4. Check the stability of the equipment and secure there is no shaking components and equipment, when it found, stop using, then tighten and then install the equipment immediately; Consult

How to choose the space for outdoor playground equipment

Space for outdoor playground equipment business is a very important aspect, So wande play facilities co.,ltd remind everyone who operating outdoor pay equipment to be careful about choosing site, combined with some experience ,now I want to show you how to choose the space: First, depending on the type of site to choose. We can choose parks, playgrounds, plazas, tourist areas and temple to install outdoor playground equipment,,These sites can be for long-term fixed operations,also parks and playgrounds are always the first choice. Secondly, it is based on the location of the site to choose. In the city center or the relatively prosperous area of the site is the preferred course, More well-known tourist area is also a good choice, but the seasonal limitations exist. The last condition is based on the development of the site to choose. Mature, facilities were perfect venue is the preferred course, after all, the market has been formed, the flow of people is relatively stable, t

Outdoor fitness equipment has entered a mature stage

Through years of development , outdoor fitness equipment has gradually mature up, which mainly means mature market and mature technology. In market, the outdoor fitness equipment has a very good demand in the domestic market, as long as there is new estate,we can see outdoor fitness equipments. China is a big country for building construction, so it was not a lack of market demand, domestic sales have reached a billion dollars every year, there are now many companies are actively explore overseas markets and also achieved some good results, this rapid and efficient development momentum will continue to be maintained, we have reason to believe that the future of outdoor fitness equipment market will be better and better. Outdoor fitness equipment production technology also now very mature, outdoor fitness equipment are designed according to the science and it combines the most advanced equipment concepts in the fitness. Each product combines the scientific element into fitness to mak

Causes of Sports Injuries

Fitness equipment news: Causes of Sports Injuries Participation in any sport, whether it's recreational bike riding or Pee-Wee football, can teach kids to stretch their limits and learn sportsmanship and discipline. But any sport also carries the potential for injury. By knowing the causes of sports injuries and how to prevent them, you can help make athletics a positive experience for your child. Kids can be particularly at risk for sports injuries for a variety of reasons. Kids, especially those younger than 8 years old, are less coordinated and have slower reaction times than adults because they are still growing and developing. Also, kids mature at different rates, with differences in height and weight between kids of the same age. And when kids of varying sizes play sports together, there can be an increased risk of injury. As kids grow bigger and stronger, the potential for injury increases, largely because of the amount of force involved. For example, a collision b

The benefits of sports for girls

Fitness equipment news: The benefits of sports for girls Why play sports? You might say "to get exercise" and you'd be right. To have fun? That's true, too. But there's more. In fact, there are at least 5 more reasons. According to the Women's Sports Foundation, girls who play sports get a lot more than just fit. 1. Girls who play sports do better in school. You might think that athletics will take up all your study time. But research shows that girls who play sports do better in school than those who don't. Exercise improves learning, memory, and concentration, which can give active girls an advantage in the classroom. 2. Girls who play sports learn teamwork and goal-setting skills. Sports teaches valuable life skills. When you working with coaches, trainers, and teammates to win games and achieve goals, you're learning how to be successful. Those skills will serve you well at work and in family life. 3. Sports are good for a girl's heal

Let the children on the playground play safe

Playground equipment news: Let the children on the playground play safe Do you have a favorite playground? Maybe it's a new wooden one that has lots of tall towers and passageways. Maybe its an indoor soft playground with ropes to climb and tubes to crawl through. Or maybe your favorite is an old-fashioned outdoor playground with swings and a seesaw. Playgrounds are fun places for kids because there's so much to do and other kids to have fun with. But sometimes kids get hurt at playgrounds. That's no fun, so here are 10 ways to keep safe: Take a grown-up. As kids get bigger, they like doing things on their own. Going to the playground shouldn't be one of them, though. Grown-ups come in handy because they might spot problems at the playground, they can help you down if you get in a tight spot, and they can help if you happen to get hurt. Take a good look around. If the playground has lots of trash, such as broken glass, or the equipment looks broken, don'