Fitness equipment-How Training Buddies Help Adults To Get Fit For Free

Fitness equipment-How Training Buddies Help Adults To Get Fit For Free

According to, ‘Which’, people in Britain waste a total of 37 million pounds on fitness membership and home fitness equipment every year.  This equates to approximately £300 per person. The cost refers to forgotten direct debits and unused exercise equipment languishing at home. Many people join the fitness in the New Year after overindulging at Christmas time but  77% of 3000 people questioned admitted that they gave up on their resolutions pretty quickly.  One of the ways that, ‘Which’, recommend you can save money exercising is by becoming training buddies with one of your friends.  Exercising with others not only adds a competitive edge to your workout, it also encourages you not to give up on your resolutions so easily.

In May 2012 the BBC Website published an article titled, ‘The Rise of the Adult Playground’.  In her article, Sophie Robehmed, discussed the, ‘Nudge Theory’, which is a Government initiative that provides very easy access to exercise equipment. The reasoning behind this is that people are more likely to exercise willingly if they choose to do it themselves. Councils have installed outdoor fitness equipment in convenient places such as; parks, promenades and next to children’s playgrounds. This means that equipment can be used as part of your running, dog walking, training or taking children to the playground routine.

Outdoor fitness equipment has been specifically designed to withstand all types of weather conditions and is very robust.  In order to make sure that the equipment is being used safely and correctly there are  clear sets of instructions to follow. At Playdale we have used the concept of exercising with friends to develop our Training Buddies outdoor exercise equipment range.  Training Buddies are a set of eight exercise tasks presented in the shape of a person, who represents a personal trainer.  The Training Buddies cover the following  eight areas of exercise; sit up, pull up, press up, horizontal pull up, squat, lunge, shoulder press and tricep dip.

Benefits of Training Buddies include:
●     Ease of use.
●     Can fit in any area.
●     Can be incorporated into group or individual exercise routines.
●     Accessible at any time of the day.
●     Can be bought as a complete set or individually.
●     Environmentally friendly and safe.
●     Weather proof.
●     Graffiti resistant.
●     Suits every type of fitness and style.

Youth Sport Direct suggests that Training Buddies are a good way for businesses to encourage their staff to exercise more. They say that,   “Employers are taking more responsibility for their employees’ health as they become more aware of the direct impact it has on productivity, levels of absenteeism and staff morale.” Training Buddies allow employers to consider the well being of their staff without having to pay for fitness membership.



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