Outdoor fitness equipment maintenance must be maintained regularly

Outdoor fitness equipment maintenance must be maintained regularly.

1. Check the Integrity of the equipments. When find components damaged, missing, or welding parts broken, the user should immediately stop using the equipments and ask the supplier to replace the broken parts as soon as possible.

2. Check the surface of the equipments and secure there is no scratch or other damages, also should secure the broken equipments will have no harm to user, when the danger is found, should repair it immediately and consult the supplier for help.

3. Check the screws. When screw loose is found, please stop using the equipments and tighten the screws immediately; Consult the supplier for help if necessary.

4. Check the stability of the equipments and secure there is no shaking components and equipments, when it found, stop using, then tighten and then install the equipments immediately; Consult the supplier for help if necessary.

5. Check and secure there is no noise when using the equipments, when the noise heard, stop using the equipment to avoid further damage, and ask for solution from the supplier.

6. Check the Durability of connections and bearings. When find broken bearings, please stop using the equipments and replace with new bearings, or consult the supplier for assistance.



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