Playground equipment-Choosing the Right Theme for your Playground

Playground equipment-Choosing the Right Theme for your Playground

When you look at some playgrounds it is obvious that they have been designed around a particular theme. Often playgrounds that are theme driven are situated in either the grounds of museums, country houses or activity centres. Theme driven playgrounds provide as many benefits for the visitors as they do for the owner of the establishment. Themed playgrounds allow families with young children to enjoy days out in a fascinating environment without having to worry that they are causing a disturbance. When families feel welcome they tend to stay longer and make greater use of the facilities. In terms of educational value, children can practice what they have learnt by acting out their new found knowledge on the stimulating playground equipment.

Adding a Subtle Theme to a Public Playground
If you are designing a public playground then you would probably like to keep the theme of your playground as open as you can to encourage a wide range of imaginative play. You can add extra imaginative and educational opportunities by adding a theme to existing panels on playground equipment or by adding stand alone playboards. These little pieces of stimulation give parents the opportunity to engage in imaginative play that either reinforces stories or nursery rhymes or gives them the confidence to explain scientific facts relating to nature. By explaining to children what the information on the board means, parents are also encouraging independent play.

Adding a Theme to a Visitor Centre Playground
This is where your imagination can go wild and you can make your dreams of a magical little world come true. If your centre has a nautical theme then your playground could be centred around a pirate ship like Playdale’s Play Galleon Plus with the rest of the playground following the nautical theme with custom made murals and information boards. Maybe you are planning on building a playground near a steam train you may want to include a Log Train or a Play Train in your playground design. The rest of your playground equipment could include information boards and illustrations that make the playground look a little bit like a station. If you really want to go to town when adding a theme to your playground you could even add a bespoke entrance that could look like a badger’s set or a rabbit warren to entice little explorers into the play area.

Combining Graphic Artwork and Playground Equipment to Reinforce your Theme
At Playdale we are fortunate to be able to combine the expertise of our playground designers with the creativeness of our graphic artists to produce exciting playgrounds. Our Role Play range for younger children will complement many themes whilst our Junior play equipment can be enhanced with bespoke panelling to incorporate your chosen theme. Our graphic designers are able to create themes based on your own ideas or our artists own imagination. Adding this wonderful bespoke element to your playground is exciting and only limited by your own imagination.



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