A new place to play-City installs new ADA friendly playground equipment

A new place to play-City installs new ADA friendly playground equipment

Playground equipment improvements to Rotary Park recently wrapped up in one play area, and kids are already enjoying their new space.

The equipment was purchased and installed by the city, which shaped up to being a five-week, $70,000 project all together, Lake Havasu City Maintenance Services Manager Mark Clark said. The playground was specifically designed to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act standards.

It features a colorful jungle gym, a modernized merry-go-round, a wheel chair friendly rocker and sound effects.

“This one is a lot more flashy, updated and new-looking,” Clark said.

An unofficial survey of playground patrons on Wednesday afternoon revealed the park’s new equipment is equally awesome.

Maddix Hanes, 7, said the park’s best features were the merry-go-round and climbing areas - but his brother, Mason, 5, respectfully disagreed, reporting that the sound effects stole the show.

A ribbon cutting will be scheduled soon so city officials can officially introduce the playground.



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