Playground equipment-Ashley Okland Star Playground in Ewing Park, Des Moines, IA

Playground equipment-Ashley Okland Star Playground in Ewing Park, Des Moines, IA

Another of Cunningham Recreation‘s favorite playgrounds this year is Des Moines’ first all-inclusive playground which caters to kids with special needs. What truly makes this wonderful playground so great is not just the fact that it’s accessible to all, but also the story behind the fundraising that went into building this great play environment.
Using GameTime play equipment and named in honor of Ashley Okland’s legacy, Variety spent two years raising the needed funds for this project. With a goal of $500,000 Variety surpassed its goal putting the remaining funds towards a shelter for families near the playground.

I would be remiss if I failed to acknowledge the most popular playgrounds viewed on our website. Rounding out the 15 favorite playgrounds of 2015 are five of the most viewed play areas on our website since we started almost three years ago:

Fort Lewis playground, splash park, and skate park, JBLM, Tacoma, WA:
It is not altogether surprising that this Playcraft Systems playground is far and away the most popular playground on our website. It was one of the first that I reviewed while we were living there and JBLM is also the 4th largest military installation in the world.  This playground is centrally located close to all your shopping needs on Post and in the summer, the playground and splash park are a great place to cool off while burning energy at the same time.



Playground equipment-How Inclusive Playgrounds Benefit Everyone

Playground equipment encountered danger, do not panic, be calm

the placement of playground equipment need to pay attention