Playground equipment-The great summer playground challenge is on

Playground equipment-The great summer playground challenge is on

No matter who you are, what you do, what industry you’re part of, if you have kids, are around kids, or are a big kid at heart, you undoubtedly have visited a playground. Maybe it’s something you’re around all the time.
If you have plans to travel this summer, or even if you don’t, chances are that there are many playgrounds in your own area you haven’t visited. Make it a quest to visit as many as you can. Take kids along and make it a game—create scorecards and list some of the usual favorite playground equipment pieces like swings (who can swing the highest?), seesaws, slides and give kids room to comment on new and different pieces they get to experience.

You’re probably asking “why?” about now.  Well, kids tend to get bored easily with most activities and the playground is no exception. Their local playground becomes old hat. While most of us are creatures of habit, every once in a while it’s good to mix things up a bit—especially for children. Research  shows that our attention spans are diminishing. Play is a powerful tool in a child’s arsenal for the development of many wonderful skills, including increasing their attention spans.
Perhaps your usual neighborhood playground is aging or hasn’t been updated in a decade or two and your child finds a new piece of equipment at a different playground. Don’t be afraid to ask your local parks and recreation employees to update the playground, or work with them to spearhead a community event to fundraise for a new piece of equipment or new playground. You can even create a more inclusive play space where everyone can come out and play together.

But I digress … our summer playground challenge is about getting out, getting active, but above all—having FUN! I know a lot of people who travel just to ride rollercoasters. Pack a picnic, corral the kids, and head out for a playground adventure (or two!) this summer.  In addition to all the great play options you and your kids will experience, you just may find that play time is family time. Your trips can become opportunities to encourage discussions and express thoughts, or even encourage children to write a short paragraph or story about their adventures. The possibilities that outdoor, unstructured free play presents are endless … unfortunately, summer is not.

Want to find out more about creating a great playground? Get in touch with one of our local reps today. And be sure to tell us about the great playgrounds you visit this summer.



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