Playground equipment-Woodland Wonderland, Walker Mill Park, MD

Playground equipment-Woodland Wonderland, Walker Mill Park, MD

From the moment children walk through the entrance and are greeted by the motion-activated hollow log gateway, they will be blown away by all that they see. Slide down the 20ft slide inside the working windmill (or even the 35ft slide built into the embankment); follow the walkway and interact with a joking gnome, crawling critters, rabbit talk tubes, and a Rastafarian frog drum; climb through a hollowed out tree; run across the piano bridge (like from the movie “Big”); and, cool off in the misting cattails during the summer months. And, there’s so much more that you just have to visit it yourself. Woodland Wonderland is essentially brand new, so explore it while it’s still a somewhat hidden treasure because it’s too great to remain a secret for long!

Downtown Container Park, Las Vegas, NV:
I’m honestly not sure how someone can get more creative than this! Cre8Play literally turned a giant shipping container into a massive, metal treehouse with a fully interactive slide. Say what? Yes! According to Cre8Play, “energy-saving sensors in the tube slide are triggered to activate cosmic, starship, hyper-drive and fish tank visual displays as well as a sonic boom and blast of air.” Uhhhh….yeah…amazing! Now I actually want to take my kids to Vegas….never thought I’d say that!



Playground equipment-How Inclusive Playgrounds Benefit Everyone

Playground equipment encountered danger, do not panic, be calm

the placement of playground equipment need to pay attention