Playground equipment-Playground trends to watch out for in 2016

Playground equipment-Playground trends to watch out for in 2016

Do you remember being a kid, tearing through the neighborhood with your friends for hours? If you were anything like me, afternoons were spent at the playground, riding bikes and maybe a quick pick-up game. But things have really changed when it comes to children’s freedom to explore and play. If you were to fall asleep on a playground in the ‘70s and wake up in 2016, you’d probably have a tough time guessing what happened to the carefree, playful vibe.
I’m an optimist and think we can get back to a place where kids can play with their friends and learn about the world around them in an organic, fun manner. I also look at my peers and think a lot of adults would benefit from letting loose and absorbing the advantages of play.
So, what might a playground or free play look like in 2026? It’s hard to predict what anything will look like a decade from now but I am starting to see a positive shift.
Check out my take on play trends and predictions for 2016:

Adult playgrounds
Gymtimidation. That funky odor. There are lots of reasons that keep people from hitting the gym. Getting a great workout doesn’t need to happen within the walls of a fitness facility. I’m much more motivated to get my workout outside and know I’m not the only one who likes a little fresh air. In fact, playgrounds for adults are being planned in several states across the country. You might want to reconsider your gym membership and head to a park instead. I’m not sure the schoolyard monkey bars were this tough.

Pocket parks
Do you know that cities nationwide are working towards creating family-friendly, kid-friendly environments that promote play everywhere? They’re doing this by building pocket parks – transforming unused corners and roads into hubs of recreation.

Free-range parenting
Step away from your child. A lot of people are beginning to realize that it’s ok not to hold their child’s hand all day. More parents are embracing free-range parenting, the concept of raising children in the spirit of encouraging them to function independently in accordance of their age.

I recently read an article on Swiss Waldkindergartens, forest kindergartens, where children spend all day playing outdoors, regardless of weather. The Swiss don’t begin studying math or literacy until the first grade and are using this first year of school to focus on the social interaction and emotional well-being found in free play. I dream that we’ll embrace this type of thinking here in the States sometime soon. To combat the development issues facing our kids, parents should embrace the idea of an unconventional learning system.



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