Playground equipment-Legacy Commons Playground, Rapid City, SD

Playground equipment-Legacy Commons Playground, Rapid City, SD

In keeping with the tribute to the past, Landscape Structures once again did a wonderful job of acknowledging Rapid City’s rich history through its playground design.
Remembrance and renewal are the themes at this park with features that point to the city’s past like the 1972 flood. Also built into the nature-themed play structures are fossils of all sorts since this area is well-known among Archeologists. In fact, in keeping with the idea of discovery, there are 70 images of fossils, animals and plants hidden throughout the park. Kids can work together with each other to find all the hidden items.

All-inclusive playgrounds are specifically designed to allow children of all abilities to play together. It is more than just getting children with special needs to the play equipment, it is about providing them opportunities to actually play interactively with other children on the equipment. Each of the following playgrounds have gone above and beyond in this area.

Brendan’s Playground, O’Fallon, MO:
Talk about a creative way to bring an exciting and stimulating playground to children of all abilities! This collaborative effort among Unlimited Play, Cre8Play, and Cunningham Recreation is a true favorite for all children.
This playground opened in Westoff Park on October 1, 2011. The playground was named after a nine-year-old boy Brendan Schmitt, a Westoff Elementary School student who suffers from Thompson Syndrome, a rare genetic disease that makes it difficult for him to use traditional playground equipment.



Playground equipment-How Inclusive Playgrounds Benefit Everyone

Playground equipment encountered danger, do not panic, be calm

the placement of playground equipment need to pay attention