Playground equipment-Seattle/Tacoma International Airport play area, Seattle, WA

Playground equipment-Seattle/Tacoma International Airport play area, Seattle, WA

Sometimes, it’s not about the uniqueness or size of a playground that makes it popular. Often, it’s about its location. Occasionally, parents just need to find the playground/play area that’s closest to them right now and the play area at Seattle Tacoma International airport has proven that parents don’t just like the idea of a play area in an airport. They NEED it!
With thousands of viewers visiting this review on our website, making it the 3rd most popular play area on our website, it’s pretty clear that parents really do LOVE being able to let their kids play when traveling through airports. Just a FYI: DTW airport play area is the 5th most popular playground/play area on our website and MSP’s play area is the 8th most popular.

Playground by the Sound, Chambers Bay, University Place, WA:
Is it because of the upcoming US Open being played here this summer that this playground by Leathers & Associates is so popular? Perhaps. But, it has always been a personal favorite because you can take in the beautiful views of the Puget Sound while enjoying this wonderful fortress playground.



Playground equipment-How Inclusive Playgrounds Benefit Everyone

Playground equipment encountered danger, do not panic, be calm

the placement of playground equipment need to pay attention