How to use the outdoor fitness equipment?

How to use the outdoor fitness equipment?

1. Horse Rider (WD-155H-T)
Instructions: Sitting, and holding the two handles, put the feet onto foot-board, utilize own weight to pull and stretch the legs and then return to sit on the seat. Repeat the cycle.
Functions: Activate body’s joints and strengthen the flexibility of the muscle group and the cardiopulmonary function.
Attention: Lean the body and neck backward when pulling, use the abdomen strength when returning to sit on the position. Using gently avoids injury to the muscle and joints. One seat for one person only.
Warning: Users should exercise according to their fitness level. Stop using equipment if you feel any discomfort. For medically unfit person, please seek doctor’s advice before using the outdoor fitness equipment.

2.Power Push (WD-155E-T)

Instructions: Sit on the seat plank, and holds sand pushes the handles. Hold a moment and then return slowly to original position. Repeat the cycle.
Functions: Enhance the muscle strength of upper limbs and the back.
Attention: Must return slowly to avoid damage to the equipment.
Warning: Users should exercise according to their fitness level. Stop using equipment if you feel any discomfort. For medically unfit person, please seek doctor’s advice before using the outdoor fitness equipment.

3. Pull Down Challenger(WD-154D-T)
Instructions: Sit on the seat plank with facing inward or outward, hold and pull down the handles, hold a moment and then return slowly to original position. Repeat the cycle.
Functions: Enhance the muscle strength of upper limbs, chests, and the back.
Attention: Do not release hands when pulling to avoid damage to the equipment. One seat for one user only.
Warning: Users should exercise according to their fitness level. Stop using equipment if you feel any discomfort. For medically unfit person, please seek doctor’s advice before using the outdoor fitness equipment.





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