Summer sports and fitness need master the scientific method

Outdoor fitness equipment news: Summer sports and fitness need master the scientific method

Scorching summer, people become fractious unknowingly. In the summer engaged in appropriate light and movement to prevent and relieve discomfort caused by the heat quite beneficial.

Recently, the reporter in the city part of a health and fitness Square site to see, even in hot weather, people who exercising every day belong minority. When the morning sun beams and the ancient city of Kaifeng, the street, the park, the Plaza residential fitness everywhere jogging, tai chi, jump Square Dance, Slow walk to the public, and wriggled on fitness, outriggers pull leg masses, various forms of exercise, so the summer is full of vitality, filled with youthful atmosphere.
It was very important for the body to do exercise, and only master the scientific method of movement can make the body strong. The moment is in the hot summer months, a large number do not suitable for outdoor high-intensity exercise, especially the elderly, children and the long-term movement of people, sweating too much, easy to dry, fever, weight loss and other symptoms. The exercise need choose time, place and people, namely to avoid the heat. You can exercise in the morning or evening because of the ground, and choose a cool ventilated place and do not stay in sun exposure. Every one can make the right choice based on personally exercise way.
"Summer sport fit there walking, playing tennis, bowling, playing croquet, practicing tai chi, water sport, aerobic, mountaineering." Fitness coach Ke told reporters, in the movement to do what, do not fatigue, but can not be used alone or in a high temperature environment in the exercise in the sun, to avoid accidents. Summer can do more aerobic exercise. Seniors can walk, do tai chi, exercise to sweating slightly. The young people can be jogging. People whose joints are bad, they can go swimming, because swimming can exercise the muscles and ligaments of the joint protection are relatively good.
"Summer outdoor sports sweat more, must replenish moisture. Many people in motion or at rest tend to pick up a bottle of water, and drink to quench their thirst looks. In fact, from the perspective of exercise physiology, it is very harmful. “Ke said, after exercise and drink lots of water sports, give blood circulatory system, digestive system, in particular to increase the burden on the heart, causing more fatigue. The results of a lot of water will be sweating more, leading to the loss of salt, causing spasms, cramps.



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