Safety Instruction of Children Outdoor Playground Equipment

For the children outdoor playground equipment provided by the qualified manufacturer with production qualification, and in compliance with the standard, security and interest are fully considered in the process of design, production and installation. The correct use of outdoor playground equipment will play a very good supporting role to the child's physical development, promote the physical coordination and psychological quality.

1. The applicable objects of children outdoor playground equipment are young children. In the play, adults should be in the side for guardianship.
2. In the process of playing, do not let children carry sharp objects, to avoid scratching the body.
3. Please check the parts inside the children playground equipment regularly to see whether there are loosening screws and other security risks. If you can not solve the problem yourself, you should promptly report to the installation unit.
4. Once playground equipment installation is complete, do not use tools to remove screws, fasteners.
5. Do not use hard objects to beat plastic products.
6. Do not cut, scratch or pry into the surface of the platform and the stairs, to avoid damaging the rubberized surface. For any surface damage, require professional maintenance.
7. No obstacles in 1.5 meters scale around the slide exit. When playing on the slide, must not climb from the exit of the slide, and do not let the children slide with head downward or slide with belly down on the slide surface, so as to avoid accidents.
8. When swing is moving, there should not be any obstacles in 2 meters scales. The child should sit in the swing for playing, rather than standing or kneeling, and should hold swing rope with hands. In the swing process, children are forbidden to jump away from the swing; kids waiting aside should maintain a safe distance from the swing; children should not run around the swing, so as not to be hit and injured.
9. Plum pile can not be kicked or pushed by hand. Each paddle allows only one child to stand on it, while playing together, the children should keep a distance of more than a separate plum pile from each other.
10. Fence, baffle shall not be forced collision, such as kicking, pushing.
11. When playing with climbing net, do not headstand or ride on the rope, and do not fight on climbing net. No barefoot climbing.



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