Children playground equipment: Slide

Slide is essential children's outdoor playground equipment. When a child firstly play slide, he will stand at high point, look around to get familiar with the environment, then sit down and decline. This stage can be called functional game phase, which is the children's first experience of game features, this is the main goal of the equipment. After repeating the process a few times, children will no longer sit to slide down, but try other ways to use playground equipment. They will lie in the slides to slide down, with hands or feet to push themselves, or will slide with heads to the ground. This stage can be called a technical stage of the game. At this period, as a further use of the equipment, children begin to invent new methods to play the equipment, and they have fun from the skill improvement If the emergence of other companions, they will try to slide down together, or someone will climb up from the bottom side of the slide and grab other people's feet, even they will play hide and seek around the slide. This stage can be called sociability game phase. At this step, play equipments are intended as a medium for them to engage in gaming activities. The playground equipment is just a playing stage, its original function becomes less important, while the children concern with game play. Of course, not every playground equipment will go through these three stages, children will change their playing ways in many cases.
Combined Slide meet a great extent entertainment of needs for children of all ages, it helps them to learn in the process of play,  and can strengthen their memory and improve their interest in learning degrees. These playground equipments in letters forms are designed innovatively, with a certain connection between the letters, which   reflects in the different ways to play. Children can play and enjoy in the course of a series of drills, climbing, arch, sliding, board, turn, curl etc, which will increase their interests, improve their own movement skills, increase their knowledge, broaden their horizons, and accumulate their more and broader practice and life experience.  In the meanwhile, because our children playground equipment has multiple functions of entertainment and training activities, is easy to implement most of the simple movements, further enhance its entertainment itself.



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