Good selection of space and equipment will be enough for a good start of children playground?

Many investors are one-sided to regard playground equipment as the core of children's play ground, In their mind, as long as to find a suitable site, to buy a set of equipment, then the project will run well. Indeed, the emphasis on hardware is understandable, because the device is related to safety, and there is no small matter for security. But other important factors should also not be neglected. In addition to safety issue and configuration of high standard playground equipment, the competitiveness of a playground comes mainly from the following aspects:

1. Store image
The first impression of a children's playground giving to the customer is very important. The merits of store image and layout have a huge impact on sales performance! If a children's playground can do better in the moving line design, store layout, project integration, the use of lighting, decorative elements, material selection, etc,Compared with other playground increased 50% chance of success!

2. Featuring services
Personalized playground makes children very willing to come and play. At the same time, try to make the parents like to send their children to the playground. So do not only make physical examination before children entering, but also leave enough space for parents to rest, thus make playground service appear to be more humane.

3. Promotion and operation
A strong operational management team, is able to provide a variety of marketing programs and strategies, and can keep a cool head and market analysis ability at all times as well. To maintain a long-term continuous operation, the playground must have its own characteristics, and also a keen insight into the market, understanding of children's needs. The most important thing is to highlight the personality, focusing on publicity.



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