During "universal two-child" era, how did children playground equipment keeps up with?

During "universal two-child" era, how did children playground equipment keeps up with?

With the release of the universal two-child policy, it gives a chain effect on women of childbearing age, children, families and whole society. People in the cycle pointed that the whole society should plan ahead to fight a "prepared battle" with the universal two-child policy promoting.
According to statistics, China has 90 million couples in line with the universal two-child policy. The problem is how did playground equipment keeps up with? The survey that China is still lack of playground equipment currently. Child playground equipment in small and medium-sized cities is still in short supple.

In some high grad area, developers will purchase playground slide, seesaw and other children playground equipment for owners, but it has a strict access control. People do not live in areas have to bring to the child to to a supermarket or park where supply children playground equipment freely. These places are overflowing on days off. Many parents expressed that hope to install more park children playground, it not only provides children a good environment for growth, but also lesson the burden on parents.
People in the cycle point that it's a good thing to install playground. But for children, they spend most of the time in the community, so the community should supply more playground equipment. For the new community, the department concerned should consider children playground place and equipment in the planning and design, as a necessary equipment in the community. The old community should also open up a space as soon as possible, and set up such as, playground slide, balance boards, seesaw, swing and so on.



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