It’s hard to find children outdoor fitness equipment

In general, outdoor fitness equipment is design as adult size and athletic ability, such as spacewalking machine, vertical back massage and so on. These outdoor fitness equipment was convenient for people exercising, and it also became the child's toy at the same time. However, these "toys" were not safe, child accident injures repeatedly.
Many parents also questioned that many children play in the park and community, why did not install some children outdoor playground equipment?

Usually, the community outdoor fitness equipment is managed by the apartment company. Many directors said that most outdoor fitness equipment was used for adult, playground equipment suit for the child was only the playground slide and seesaw. In addition, the majority of outdoor fitness equipment was installed on the concrete floor, it's easily injured for children.
It's unscientific to install outdoor fitness equipment in cement or concrete floor, because there are lots of security flaws. According to the standards, it's better to install some pads or shock pads on the ground when workers install outdoor fitness equipment. Wande Play Facilities Co., Ltd. reminds that there is still a risk for children, not to mention the children. Coupled with varying degrees of damage on outdoor fitness equipment, it's more dangerous for children.
Outdoor fitness equipment has classification when design it, it always has a mark which groups do not suit for it. Parents should look at the instructions before children play it and guard for it.



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